An overall view of the coach, catching a few rays on the L&L - just between snow showers!
The bridging panel
The bogie - a new moulding, and very nice looking indeed.  It would be nice to have these available as a spare part for scratchbuilding.

Underneath, you can see where the two 4 wheeler bodies are joined together!


Pairs Coach Quick Review

Double Your Money!

Well, not really, but two coaches on a common underframe, just like the real thing.  The model is simply made from the existing 4 wheeler bodies on a bogie chassis, with a bridging panel between the two bodies - completely prototypical!

The bogies are a new moulding, and look very like the prototype, but you can hardly see them for the footboards when on the track.  These would be nice as a spare part, as they lend themselves to all sorts of conversions and scratchbuilds.  I think Mike uses Bachmann and LGB bogies on his lovely scratchbuilt IoM coaches, would be nice to have to correct ones!!
The bodywork then, is literally the same as the earlier coaches times two, with a nicely made bridging panel joining them together. In fact, at first the prototypes ran without this panel, just a gap showing between the bodies!  My earlier post about the rather bare appearance of the roofs was incorrect, Mike tells me there should be a conduit of electric lighting and little else up there.  I think the roofs need some texture, and that will improve the look, but there's nothing wrong with them as they are.  A little sheet of waterslide transfers is also included with 4 running numbers, a nice touch I thought, although mine will be getting custom made L&L lettering and crests.
One aspect to bear in mind, is that this coach is rather heavier than it looks - a good thing from my point of view, I like to make my steamers chuff, but if you have steep gradients and not-so-powerful locos, they may struggle.
In short, another great model from Accucraft and Ian Pearce, which reflects its prototype well, at a reasonable price. Available now from your favourite dealer!

