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Paul's Headshunt

by Fossbeck (Paul Milner)

Here is my first attempt at starting a page, hopefully it won't do my head in, hence the page title!

Where to from here?

I can remember in my junior schooldays wanting to draw something. Sitting with pencil poised over a clean sheet of paper and having ideas filling my head it was not uncommon for me to refrain from spoiling a clean sheet for fear of beginning in the wrong place.

So it has been whenever I have considered designing a web page for my railway and as a consequence no start has ever been made, choosing instead to continue modelling in web silence.

... and so I just typed without looking at the copy. Imagine my surprise to see my words had shifted into a heading format.

OK, so maybe I'll try a photo next.

OK, so far so good. Put up a wrong photo and managed to delete it and put the right one up.

So now I wonder if there is a way of formatting the sizes of pix here or is that to be done in photoshop?

So now my head is 'shunted' I'll take a break (it is 3.30am) and see if I can get back to sleep again!  Nigh nigh. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
