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Edrig r/c for bigjack.

By Corgi
Now I am not to sure what I am creating here, but it is an attempt to show an r/c installation in my first live steamy which is an Edrig,
and may it be of assistance to others.
Now at the time I was very new to live steam and the r/c unit I purchased had a standard sized receiver.,
At the time I purchased Edrig the reverser did not have a hole in it to connect the link to the servo. After breaking many 1/16" drills I emailed Ian Pearse suggesting he add a hole at manufacture.
The regulator servo was added after reading an article of Doug's.
The battery and switch installed underneath the cab.


The reverser servo and receceiver installed in the right hand tank. Alfoil is wrapped around cardboard and inserted between the boiler and receiver to keep heat and interference away. On later installations I used mini receivers and installed them in the left hand tank.
Micro servo installed under burner for regulator.

The antena is extended across to the left hand tank and connected to the sand dome which has been insulated from the boiler. This was a 36Mhz installation. It will be changed to a 2.4Ghz sometime in the future (not that I experience any troubles with this loco) and the receiver will be mounted in the L/H tank.
Edrig with its cab.

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