by Doc
No. 1 Beatrice
A Lady Anne class 0-6-0T Built in the workshops in Dingley from parts shipped in over the winter from Doncaster. Named after one of the daughters of the Chairman.
No. 5 Arthur Pendragon
Millie in a sorry state
Relined, named and with a new driver
No. 3 Sir Adrian Webb
RH Argyll class 0-6-2T. Named after the chief engineer of the DLR
No. 4 Henry Joseph Greenwell
An early meths-fired Charles Pooter class. Named, I imagine, after an ancestor of its original owner.
No. 7. Llywelyn
The latest arrival in 2010 to the line. A DJB Robert class coal fired 040 ST
All the locos, apart from Llywelyn, are fitted with Summerlands chuffers
No. 8. MargaretAdded to the DLR in June 2011, Margaret is an 040T Swift Sixteen Owain Class owing its power and ease of management to Ragleth engineering. Seen here in the less than capable hands of Dai Laffin who seems to be taking his responsibilities very seriously.