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Shortening the Railways menu

posted 14 Jul 2010, 07:44 by Flatland Cheeseminer   [ updated 14 Jul 2010, 07:52 ]

A proposal - for which I'm prepared to do all the work :)

Browsing the site after a while away I'm getting niggled by the length of the Railways menu on the sidebar.  Yes it can be turned on and off, that's not really the point; and I don't like the idea of a hierarchy in this menu.

My simple proposal is to remove the words "The" and "Railway" from titles, thus reducing the line-wrapping of most of the names.

I've experimented with my own page.  See Flatland Washes.

You'll notice the Title on the page itself is the full "The Flatland Washes Railway" - this is a bit of a fudge, but simple enough.

If people are OK with this I am happy to gradually trawl though and make the necessary changes. I reckon it will shorten the menu by about 40%.

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