by Cheeseminer The Financiers and Planning Authorities of the Flatland Washes Railway are pleased to announce the 2012 FWR Open Day will be on Bank Holiday Monday 7th May in Cambridge. If you would like to come along as engineer or visitor please email us on Open 2012 at flatlandic dot net What?For the past few years we've opened our garden and it's railway to various groups and neighbours (not truly 'the public') to enjoy the trains, and tea and biccies, and to raise some funds for a local charity. It's a slightly odd mix but seems to work well. For GRC, this is simply an opportunity to meet and play.
CharityThe charity we support is the Cambridge Central Aid Society, a small but valuable local charity that helps needy individuals and families who fall between the gaps in the state social support system, with small, carefully targeted grants.Logistics
Here are some pics from this years events (Doug) |